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Mardin Amiri
(408) 210-2073
Amiri Realty Group
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The US housing market has been an unlikely beneficiary from the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, the median price for an existing home in the US reached over $363,000 in June 2021, a 23.4% increase from 2020. In stark numbers, that means a house selling for $300,000 a year ago would sell for $370,000 today.

Despite that, according to most experts the market is shaping up to look more like a boom rather than a bubble. It only seems like a bubble because prices have gone so high so fast. But instead of a bubble that's inflated until it bursts, this market is more like a fluffy pillow. It might lose some feathers, but it won't pop like a bubble.

The main cause of this market is low mortgage rates, followed by low supply. According to the National Association of Realtors, the US has underbuilt by 5.5 million housing units in the last few years. Compare that to the bubble of 2008 when overbuilding created too many housing units, creating an oversupply. Combined with loose lending practices that we don't see today, the 2008 market was artificially inflated.

Even if we see more pre-foreclosure sales in October and November this year, there will still be a higher demand than available homes to buy. Let me know if you need real estate help now.


(408) 210-2073,  info@AmiriRealty.com

How many bones does an adult human body have?
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Last month's Q&A: Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister? Legalities have nothing to do with it. A man can't marry his widow's sister, since a widow is a woman whose husband has died.
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Only 3 out of 1,300 species of bats drink blood, and only by scratching or pricking an animal, then lapping at the blood -- not puncturing the neck and sucking it dry like a mythical vampire. Because of this blood drinking trait, these 3 bat species were named "vampire bats." Clocking in at about the size and weight of 2 AA batteries, vampire bats aren't very large, scary monsters--despite their slightly demonic little faces.

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

~ L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables


Don't have a lot of money, but want an updated look? The folks at listotic.com have gathered a plethora of ideas, from simple to a little more complex...but all much cheaper than a full re-do. All you need in most cases is a little imagination and time, and a little cash on hand.

See all 27 ideas!


A duck walked into a café, sat at the counter, and ordered a soda. The waitress turned around, did a double-take, and cried out, “You’re a duck!”

“I see your eyes are working,” replied the duck a bit testily. 

“And you can talk!” exclaimed the waitress. 

“Your ears are working, too. Now how about that soda?”

“Sorry, right away.” The waitress poured a soda and passed it to him. “It’s just that we don’t get many talking ducks in here," she said. "What brings you in today?”

“I’m a plumber, working that construction site.” He waved a wing behind him, then dipped his bill in his soda. 

The waitress watched for a moment, then said, “You know, the circus is in town. I bet they’d love to hire a duck like you.”

“Really?” the duck said. “What do they need with a plumber?”


In the UK, there are dozens of quaint historic "redundant" churches which are no longer used for Christian worship. To support the upkeep of these beautiful old buildings, an Airbnb-style service called "champing" rents either whole churches or portions of a church to travelers. This is actually a centuries old tradition where travelers could seek rooms in churches and abbeys, but with a modern twist where space can be booked online. Learn more at the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT).
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My personal image appears here.     Mardin Amiri
(408) 210-2073


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