Hi, Friends. Summertime, And the livin' is easy. Fish are jumpin', And the cotton is high... Hear it here (YouTube)
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Mardin Amiri
(408) 210-2073
Amiri Realty Group

This month, I thought I'd share Barbara Corcoran's advice to first-time buyers...

"I think you have to get in the game," Shark Tank investor and real estate mogul, Barbara Corcoran, told Yahoo Finance. "You have to get in with whatever house you can possibly buy, so you have a chip to play in the game and trade up and trade up and trade up. And that becomes a retirement fund."
There's a lot of truth in that. Your first home may not be your dream home, but it can be a vital chip in the game. My advice is to compare all the options (investment, condo, buying somewhere else, adjustable rate mortgages, cost of renting vs buying, and more). If you need help laying out the options, call me for an appointment. I'm not just here to help you buy, I'm here to help you PREPARE to buy...whenever that time comes. Mardin, (408) 210-2073

Something for your recent graduate

How to create a competitive job resume with little job experience

If you've got a student who's about to enter the job market, but they haven't done their resume research yet, here's a superb primer on how to handle such things as babysitting jobs, past work descriptions, and weak qualifications...you know, the things everyone wonders about.

Are you "swiping" new friends?

I found this really interesting...people, young and old, are taking to dating-style apps...not to find date, but to find a friend group. In fact, the apps they're using aren't even dating apps. They are actual friend-finding apps, like BumbleBFF.com, Locals.org, and Meetup.com.

Some, like Meetup, are built around finding a common interest. Others are directly intended to match potential friends through personality questionnaires. Apparently, these apps are not a fleeting whim...in 2021, Apple's Trend of the Year was "apps focused on making connections."

Research shows us that friendship is a key factor in good health and longevity. But in a post-COVID world, many people are waking up to the fact that their friends have changed, moved, or developed a preference for being a hermit. Or people have realized that their friendships revolved around the workplace, which is now their home. 

Friendship apps are a logical extension of dating apps, which used to be considered slightly desperate, but are now so common that almost everyone under age 30 has a profile on one of them. And friendship apps are not just for young people. Senior friendship apps, like Amintro.com are on the rise, which is especially important in a world where senior loneliness is a serious problem.

I'm curious if you would try one of these apps? If you do, let me know how it goes. 

July Quiz Question

How many bananas can you eat if your stomach is empty?
Send your answer for a chance to win a $5 COFFEE CARD.
Last month's Q&A: What's brown and sticky? A stick.
Congratulations to last month's winner!

Nuggets of News

What to do when the home you want to buy is next to a rat trap...

You find the perfect home, but the neighboring house looks pest-infested, or their heavy metal music would wake the dead. What can you do? Likely nothing. If you buy with the hope that they'll change, you may be in for a battle that could seriously affect your mental health. However, if the problem is merely an eyesore, then you might get by with a good fence or tall foliage. You could try investigating a little. For instance, perhaps an elderly person lives in the home and may soon be moved to a care facility.

Can you use 0% credit cards to pay your mortgage?

Homeowner question: "Should I use credit cards with 0% introductory interest to make large lump payments on my mortgage to pay down the principal faster? I have the money to pay the credit card back, so I'm wondering if that makes sense?" See the answer here.

How our world looks to us on a map VS. how it really is

I thought this was cool. In the Northern Hemisphere, most of our world maps are shown from a south-looking-north perspective that skews our perception. Look at the map below. Then click this link to see a "true" world map by comparison.

The hard truth about building wealth

Among the many budgeting methods out there, I seldom see any focused on wealth-building. Most focus on saving, which is fine. But no one ever saved their way to wealth. Building wealth comes from spending less than you make and investing. It's a hard truth, but you need to find a way to increase your income so that you have enough left over to invest. If you need $4,000/mo. to cover essentials, comforts, debt, and savings, then you need to make more than $4,000/mo. to also invest. To make more money, you need to get a raise, a better-paying job, or a side hustle. Then invest the difference.

Nifty baseboard cleaning hack

If you have baseboards (and who doesn't?) then you probably clean them every now and again. If so, you're familiar with how dirty they can get in a short amount of time. Here's a cleaning hack you'll love: Clean the baseboards thoroughly as usual. Then rub a dryer sheet over them. The dryer sheets minimize static and repel the dirt that's trying to cling. You'll be able to wipe them clean next time, rather than scrubbing.

Just for Fun

Do you see an elephant or a village?

If you can't see the elephant, click the image for the solution.
Got Real Estate Questions? Email now!
agent image     Mardin Amiri
(408) 210-2073
Amiri Realty Group


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