Hi, Friends. It's not the size of house that matters. It's the size of the happiness inside that counts.     Your LOGO will appear here


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Amiri Realty Group  |  DRE: 01899449
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Do these things first...

Paying extra on your mortgage helps pay it off faster. But before you start sending your spare change to your mortgage company, consider doing this with your extra money first:

1. Do you have high-interest credit card debt or loans? You'll save a lot more by paying down your 16% interest-rate balances than by paying extra on a home loan that carries a 4% interest rate. 

2. How long will you own the house? If plan to sell in 10 years, it doesn’t matter if you own 30% or 70%. What matters is whether you get a strong return on your investment, which depends on how much the home’s value has risen. You may be better off rolling your payment into an investment account with an 8% return than a home with a 3% return.

3. Are you contributing fully to your investment account at work? Your retirement account likely offers a higher rate of return than you’re paying for your mortgage. Maximize your work benefits first, especially if your employer matches.

4. Will the stock market be a better investment than your mortgage? If you only have enough to do one or the other, talk to a financial advisor about the return you would get if you invested extra payments for 20 years instead of paying the mortgage faster.


Seasonal depression affects millions of North Americans every year. This winter may be even more difficult as the pandemic lingers on, forcing us to spend more time inside. So for everyone who suffers from low sunlight doldrums, here's a dose of Scandinavian advice called “hygge,” which translates as "a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being." 
  • Use lighting to simulate summer environments. Candles and twinkly fairy lights offer a sense of sitting outside, enjoying a warm evening...even if you're inside looking out (or put them inside). Sunlight lamps in your bedroom can help you get up in the morning with a sense of sunshine all around you.
  • Create a vibrant color room. This is your bright, cheerful space to read, have coffee, talk with friends (even if it's just on Zoom). Add mood lighting and fun artifacts.
  • If possible, purchase a heat lamp, portable hot tub, portable fireplace, or other heat source you can use outdoors. Being warm while it's cold and dreary out can make you feel better.
  • Laugh a lot more than usual. See my article at the bottom of this newsletter!


Small spaces are growing in popularity. But how do you make a small space look bigger...and be more functional? From using your higher wall space (and even the ceiling space) to artfully adding room dividers, there are ways to make studios look and be more livable. See these 15 ideas for decorating a studio apartment.


If you're an International House Hunters junky, you binge on the travel dreams of others. You might also start thinking about joining them. If you'd like to see what's currently for sale in those locations try Realtor.com/International. For more off-the-wall locales, search by "LOCATION + real estate for sale." Have fun! Let me know if you need me to sell your house.


It's easy to play! Just send your answer to the question below. Correct entries are entered into a monthly drawing.

If a red brick house is red, and a blue brick house is blue, and a yellow brick house is yellow, what color is a green house?
Send Your Answer Now ➤
Congratulations to last month's quiz winner!
Last month's Q&A: A man was born on January 1st, 23 B.C. and died January 2nd, 23 A.D. How old did he live to be?  45 years old.


This is an old story, but I like it so much I wanted to share it again for Valentine's Day. Enjoy!

While I was waiting to pick up a college buddy at the airport, a man pulling a baggage cart walked out of the terminal. He stopped near me to greet his family.

His daughter ran to him, and he gave her a big a bear hug. When they pulled back, he looked into her face and said, “It’s so good to see you, sweetie. You're so smart and beautiful, aren't you?” She beamed at him.

Meanwhile, his young son was squirming and jumping up and down, waiting for his turn. The man picked him up and said, “Look at how energetic you are." He hugged him and looked him in the eye, saying, "I love you so much!” Then he put his son down and said, “Now, I’ve saved the best for last!” He proceeded to give his wife a passionate kiss, and silently mouthed. “I love you, babe!”

I felt as if I was invading something sacred, but I had to ask, "How long have you been away?"

"Two whole days," said the main, still gazing at his wife.

“Wow!" I said. "I hope when I have a family, we're as loving as you are together."

The man suddenly turned and looked me in the eye and said, “Don’t hope, friend… decide!”



Not everyone needs a reason to laugh. But even if nothing is funny right now, it pays to find a reason to laugh on purpose. Watch a comedy, read jokes, watch puppy videos, share stories with friends, or just force yourself to laugh. Why? Because laughing doesn't just feel good, it makes you healthier.
  1. Laughter boosts your immune system. The act of laughing decreases epinephrine and cortisol, reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving circulation. Deep belly laughter is positively linked to the lymphatic and immune systems.
  2. Laughing makes you happy. If you laugh, you get happier. When you laugh, endorphins are released into the blood stream. These natural pain relievers promote a sense of relaxation and well-being. That means laughter therapy (making yourself laugh) can make you feel happier, even if you're not feeling particularly like laughing.
  3. Laughing helps your heart. Studies of Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST) demonstrate that deep sucking breaths helps our blood flow and stimulate beneficial hormones. Laughter is one way to create deep breathing naturally. (Exercise is another way.)
  4. Laughing makes you more attractive. Laughing encourages our smile muscles. That makes our faces brighter, more welcoming. Which in turn makes us more social, more approachable, and more effective with other people.

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Mardin Amiri
(408) 210-2073

Amiri Realty Group

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